Wednesday 26 January 2011

I have chosen to show these pieces of art work as it allows you to see the range of materials I have worked with and the different skills that I posses. I like to experiment with different techniques and take risks with new materials that I have not yet used. As much as I love working with simple pencil drawings it is good to stray away from the safe, predictable methods of working, even if that is just by applying the paint in a different way. This is why I want to study fine art because it gives you that chance to be expressive, and to have the freedom to be creative. I am hard working, adventurous and always up for a challenge, when I have an idea I want to be able to project it in a way that makes it stand out, to grab people’s attention; not to be forgotten in a sea of other works of art. I love that when you complete a piece of work a range of people could have different thoughts and feelings towards that one piece, whether they are good or bad that does not matter, just the thought that one piece of art work can have so much meaning and hidden messages that it can evoke all these different responses is amazing. Most of my work is centered on the human figure, this is because I’m fascinated by the way our body’s work, especially when looking at portraits; the simplest little movement in our expression can create a whole new outcome to the image. By doing fine art I want to not only enhance my skills but to gain a deeper understanding of art.

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