Wednesday 26 January 2011


After looking at Sophie Calle's art work I decided to do my own project based on a hurtful letter off my grandad, which was send to my family, the project is centered around the feelings that this letter created. This was one of the pieces I made, the idea that the letter is ripped up and scattered around a happy portrait of my mum and grandad together, was to help create confusion, they do not go together, it is unexpected and random. The figures are part drawn and part photograph, so that the pencil drawings represent the relationship that was slowly fading without any of us even knowing it. The reason why this project has been named 'Family?' is because What is family? Do you have to be blood related to be family? Or even can your blood relatives be called family if they have treated you wrongly? I think we get to choose who are family are, the confusion comes when you still see a relative as family even when they have disconnected themselves from the rest.

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